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Tuesday 11 June 2013

How to shutdown, restart, logoff using command promp

Windows provides a builtin command to shutdown, restart as well as logoff a user from the command promptne. This and many other options are provided by the “shutdown” command. In order to find out more options of any command, type :
shutdown /? – command name followed by a forward slash and a question mark.
in Command Prompt ( WIN + R » cmd – here are some more Windows Keyboard shortcuts. You can run any command from Command Prompt or typing the command with full option into the RUN Dialog ( WIN + R ) The main use of all these commands come in batch files and task scheduling. All of these commands are pretty easy to use, please read the article completely before complaining ;)

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Changing the Product Key for Office 2010 or Office 2013

Determine the Product Key with a 3rd party tool

Determining the used Product Key when using Office 2007 or previous isn’t directly supported by Microsoft. However, you can use a little program called Magic Jelly Bean Keyfinder to find out your used Product Key. Simply install and run the application to find out the Product Key (note: during the installation, there will be a prompt to also install a sponsored application which you can choose not to install).
Another fee application which you can use is Belarc Advisor. This application does a bit more thorough scan of your computer for which it generates a report that also includes license keys for several of your installed applications. If you are in a large corporate network, you might want to disconnect your network connection as it will also try to build a network map which may cause the application to appear to hang at the “checking the local network of this computer” stage.

Change Product Key Office

  • go to control panel 
  • open "add or remove "